African Institute of Marriage and Family

Africa Institute of Marriage & Family exists to help marriages learn to thrive again as God planned them to be. Faithful couples are rising up across the continent to devote themselves to having strong marriages and to help others who are struggling.
Literature and Teaching Ministry

Literature And Teaching Ministries is an outgrowth of the ministry of College Press. Their founder Don DeWelt, envisioned a non-profit ministry that would help fund and print quality Christian books in various languages. Since then, LATM has helped publish nearly 1200 projects in over 80 languages for a total of over 2.3 million books.
Escola de Teológia em Casa

The School of Theology at Home – ETC is a theological seminary that is 100% online, created in 2011 by Prof Alvaro Cesar Pestana and it aims to offer quality theological training (academic and practical), through in-depth study, audio-visual resources and practical discussions dealing with the application of the topics learned.
College Press

Since 1959, College Press Publishing Company has been partnering with Churches, Bible Colleges and Christians to bring relevant and challenging materials into the lives of growing Christians worldwide. College Press has established itself as a leader in providing local churches with accessible, Bible-based material.

NavPress exists as the publishing arm of The Navigators, whose motto is “To know Christ, make Him known, and help others do the same.” NavPress serves to advance the calling of the Navigators by publishing life changing products that are Biblically rooted, culturally relevant and highly practical.
Iron Rose Sisters Ministry

IRSM is a ministry that facilitates Christian sister relationships that will be like iron sharpening iron, encouraging and inspiring each other to be as beautiful as a rose in spite of a few thorns. Its goal is to provide women’s Bible studies that are simple enough for anyone to lead, and yet deep enough for […]