Who Has the Last Word?

Remembering the truth allows God to have the last Word—not our fears, not the lies, not the pain, nor the despair. The truth of God’s Word cuts through lies like nothing else. In the same way that Jesus did when tempted by Satan, we long to be prepared to answer with the Truth from God’s Word. Join us in learning to fight Satan’s attacks in the personal lies like, “I am alone,” “I’m not enough,” sexual lies, or lies we believe when we’re discouraged. And through the Lie/Truth Charts, we will begin to Recognize the lie, Replace the lie with truth, and Remember the truth—thus giving God the last word and cutting through Satan’s lies with the power of God’s Word. In Who Has the Last Word? you will walk with other women through entrapping lies into the freedom of truth. And you will explore the truths of Scripture as the Word of God breathes faith, hope, and love in abundance into your lungs, filling you with new life in Christ. Satan came to steal, kill, and destroy, but God sent his Son that we might have an abundant life. Who will you give the last word?

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Who Has the Last Word?

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